4 New Patents for Project Glass been Granted by Google

In a world where patent lawsuits and idea-borrowing are a real issue, it appears that Google wants to lock down a few of the inner workings of their upcoming wearable tech, Project Glass. 

According to some new, recently granted patents (four to be exact), Google now owns the rights to the business end of their AR glasses. The folks at Engadget did some digging through the patent paperwork and noticed that pretty much everything that makes Project Glass different from regular eye-wear have been patented. This includes that the part that covers the eye and relays information (including the ability to relay different information over each eye), the pressure sensitive nose-pad that tells the device it is being worn, and the ability visually reproduce ambient sounds by displaying its origin information.
Now that we’ve seen Google execs wearing the device in public and have a few more patentsout of the way, the big question is when will we be able to get our hands on a pair of these specs? think about it! 
Source: talkandroid


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